04-11 score :3.0 Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualized by Virtualiz
04-11 score :3.3 Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic by Mosaic
12-24 score :6.2 Fucked by Fucked by Fucked by Fucked by Fucked by Fucked by Fucked by Fucked by Fucked
02-14 score :3.0 Smashed by smashed smashed by smashed smashed by smashed smashed by smashed smashed by smashed smashed by smashed smashed by smashed smashed by smashed smashed by smashed smashed
04-11 score :8.5 There is a number of characters in the middle of the word shadowed by the serpent tongue shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word shadowed by the word.